Opening times
Pre-School is open from 8am to 3.55pm Monday to Friday term-time only. Please see our calendar for our term dates.
Speak with us about your childcare needs as we are always looking at how we can best serve our local families.
Our session fees
2 years 9 months olds are £24 per 3 hour session & £8 per breakfast club or afterschool club
3 year olds are £20 per 3 hour session & £7 per breakfast club or afterschool club
Elsworth Pre-School Uniform
At pre-school uniform is not obligatory, we would like children to be comfortable and ready to play and learn. For some parents a uniform is a stepping stone for school and introduces their child to a uniform gently. For some parents a uniform is a set of clothes just for pre-school that can get messy without worry. If you would like any uniform for your child please speak to a member of staff who will put you in touch with our lovely local provider: Feymouse Creates
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