Early Years Foundation Stage
Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
We ensure our rich learning environment provides opportunities to learn holistically, enabling learning across all areas of the EYFS through play.

Elsworth Pre-School Curriculum 2022.
Our setting provides all aspects from the Statutory Educational Programmes as detailed in the Early Years Foundation Stage. We also go beyond this with our tailor made experiential curriculum packed full of exciting learning experiences for every child.​
Our experiential curriculum is tailored so that learning is child-led, centred around individual children’s needs and interests, enhanced by adults who sensitively question and support children through learning moments with enhanced resources and experiences to develop these further.
Each child is unique and has individual needs. Our curriculum caters for every individual child, activities and learning experiences will be tailored to your child. Our ambitious expectations are based on an in-depth knowledge and understanding of child development, a child-led pedagogy where children are seen as capable constructors of their own development and learning. Our experienced practitioners will ensure that each child is supported to extend their learning through creating an inspiring and enabling environment, with stimulating activities that encourage children to wonder and experiment. Where development is extended through encouragement, careful questioning, and introductions to new experiences.
There are three I’s which are incorporated into our planning cycle which has each child at the centre. These are:
Our curriculum goals are what we intend every child to achieve by the time they move onto their next journey at school. This is our intent.
The implementation may be different for different children as they all learn indifferent ways and through different mediums.
We measure the impact of our provision and activities both in the moment and more periodically to ensure that all of our children are making good progress.
Curriculum Areas
Building Confidence
Nurturing Curiosity
Inspiring Learning