Frequently Asked Questions
If you cannot find the answer to your question below please contact us.
When are the sessions?
We are open Monday to Friday, term-time only.
Breakfast Club: 8am start
Morning session: 8:55am - 11:55am
Afternoon session: 11:55am - 2:55pm
Children are welcome to come for a session or the full day.
We are always looking at how we can best cater for families so please speak to us about your wrap around care needs.
At what age can my child start at Elsworth Pre-School?
Children can start their exciting and supportive Pre-School journey from the age of 2 years, 6 months
Can I come to your setting if I am out of catchment?
Yes our Pre-School is open to children and families from any location. There is no catchment area criteria.
When will my child be funded?
Every child is entitled to be funded the term after their third birthday. There are three terms in an academic year. We will provide you with the funding form to be filled in every term. You are allowed to split your funding between other settings if you so wish. If you receive funding for your 2 year old we accept this at our setting. Some 3 year olds are entitled to 30hours of childcare. If your child is not funded there is always tax free childcare for eligible families. Speak to us about any of these funding schemes.
How much is a non-funded session?
A 3 hour session is £17.50 for 3 and 4 year olds
A 3 hour session is £20 for a 2 year old due to an increased ratio for younger children.
Early birds start is at a cost of £6.50 regardless of age.
What does it cost to register?
All registrations are subject to a £20 administration fee, which includes a home visit and additional staff for personalised settling in sessions.
How many sessions can my child attend at Elsworth Pre-School?
We ask that children attend pre-school for a minimum of 2 sessions. This is to ensure they are settled and build a bond with their key person so that they can thrive.
Sessions are allocated in date order of when applications are received.
Will my child get a place at Elsworth Primary School if they go to Elsworth Pre-School?
This does not automatically get you into the Primary School. You will have to apply through the County Council Portal. The Pre-School will know the date and advise parents when it opens. More information on admissions to Elsworth Primary School can be found in the policies section of their website.
How many children can we have during a session?
We are registered to have 20 maximum during any one session.